RIP Predictable Revenue

May 14, 2024
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After a decade of being the dominant force in GTM strategies, Predictable Revenue has officially jumped the shark as the go-to motion for your growth strategies.

Buyers in 2024 are bombarded with messages daily, and sellers are seeing diminishing returns from mass outreach via phone, email, and social media. It’s easier than ever to acquire leads and launch a mass outreach campaign via Apollo, Outreach, Instantly, or a host of other tools. The problem is that the environment is saturated. There is more noise than ever, and buyers are tuning out.

These conditions necessitate a new need for creative GTM strategies involving new channels and unorthodox methods to stand out in the inbox, on the phone, and on social media. In this webinar, Textla hosted four of the brightest minds in GTM across voice, video, text, and social media to discuss the strategies they are using to achieve 10X results in a post-Predictable Revenue world.

You can watch the full video above and get a summary of the main takeaways below.

Meet the Panelists

Here are the four experts we featured in this webinar.

Morgan Ingram: Host Morgan Ingram is a well-known sales coach, speaker, and thought leader in the field of sales development and business growth. He is the founder of AMP (Accelerate Modern Performance), a company that focuses on B2B influencer marketing and improving GTM performance. Before founding AMP, Morgan was associated with JB Sales, where he specialized in top-of-the-funnel sales training for major companies like Salesforce, Slack, and Google.

Luke Brickman: Panelist Luke Brickman is the CEO and founder of Textla, a company that focuses on leveraging text messaging as a communication channel to reach and engage buyers effectively. Before founding Texla, Luke led sales at Twilio, a leading cloud communications platform. His experience at Twilio provided him with a deep understanding of communication technologies and their applications in sales and marketing.

Bethany Stachenfeld: Panelist Bethany Stachenfeld is the co-founder and CEO of Sendspark, a video prospecting platform that enables sales and marketing professionals to create and send personalized video messages. She is recognized for her expertise in leveraging video technology to enhance sales outreach and customer engagement.

Brian Trautschold: Panelist Brian Trautschold is the co-founder and COO of Ambition, a sales performance management platform designed to help sales teams track, analyze, and improve their performance through gamification, coaching, and analytics. Ambition provides tools for sales managers and leaders to motivate their teams, set and track goals, and gain insights into their sales processes.

Key Takeways

Here are the key takeaways from each panelist on the subject of creating creative GTM strategies to stand out in 2024.

Luke Brickman

1. Initial Engagement with Text: Use text messages as the first touchpoint in a multi-channel approach, followed by emails and calls (triple tap strategy). Ensure the text message is non-intrusive and points back to the email.

2. Permission-Based Texting: Gain permission before continuing to text prospects. Ensure the phone number is a cell phone using methods like iMessage or WhatsApp.

3. Maintain Professionalism: Never sell directly through text. Use it to build a friendly, informal relationship and facilitate easier, more open communication. Utilize it for meeting reminders and post-sale check-ins to gather referrals.

Bethany Stachenfeld

1. Use Video for Personalization: Create personalized videos that address specific questions and provide detailed explanations, helping build rapport and accelerate the sales process.

2. Dynamic Video Campaigns: Utilize AI to create dynamic videos for prospecting and re-engagement campaigns. Automate personalization for repetitive tasks, such as addressing the viewer by name and referencing their website.

3. Strategic Video Use: Implement video in email signatures and create short, impactful videos to summarize meetings and highlight new features, especially for win-back campaigns targeting stale leads.

Brian Trautschold

1. Humanize Cold Calls: Quickly establish that you are a real person with a genuine approach. Avoid sounding overly scripted or launching directly into a pitch.

2. Consistent Voicemail Strategy: Leave concise voicemails that clearly state your purpose and next steps. Establish a communication pattern that builds credibility and anticipation.

3. Leverage Voice for Rapid Information Exchange: Use voice calls to efficiently exchange information and control the narrative. This accelerates the sales process by allowing immediate question-and-answer exchanges.

Overall Takeaways

Each communication channel—voice, video, and text—has unique strengths. When used strategically, they can enhance engagement, personalize outreach, and accelerate the sales process. Combining these methods thoughtfully ensures a well-rounded, human approach to reaching buyers.

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When our family bought an electric cargo bike earlier this year, one of my biggest fears was that this lovely and expensive new machine was going to get stolen. So I got the best lock money could buy, and I started to investigate: did I need ebike insurance?

First, I called my homeowners insurance provider to see if they would cover the bike if it were stolen. To my surprise, because it’s an electric bike, not only did my policy not cover it, they wouldn’t even add it for an additional fee or sell me a separate policy for it, the way they did for our family car.

Instead they referred me to an insurance company that specializes in bikes and ebikes. I bought a policy from them and sleep a little better for it.

I’ve heard similar stories from other ebike owners. And I’ve heard worse.

What can happen without ebike insurance

The saddest stories are the ones where someone assumed their homeowners or renters or car insurance covered their ebike, and after it was stolen or seriously damaged, it turned out it wasn’t covered.

"And then there are the stories about people whose ebikes were covered by their homeowners policy, but their premium went way up when they made a claim for a stolen ebike."
<span class="blog-quote-name">-Kyle Miller, CEO Brass Hands</span>

Why it’s hard to insure an ebike

When it comes to insurance, ebikes land in a gray area outside standard homeowners insurance and auto insurance. Here’s why:

  • Ebikes are new in terms of the insurance industry. Most of the several million ebikes in the U.S. were purchased in the last two years. Insurers aren’t familiar with them, and insurers don’t like to be surprised by unfamiliar products.
  • Ebikes are more expensive than regular bikes. Policies that cover bikes, like most homeowners or renters policies, might have also covered ebikes until the insurer had to pay much larger claims than they expected to replace a damaged or stolen ebike. See above about insurers and surprise. So some policy terms got changed.
  • Finally, ebikes get stolen a lot, and not only from people’s homes. They are ridden and locked up outside all over the place, which makes them more vulnerable than other valuable household items.

Steps to take to properly insure your ebike

The odds that your ebike is covered by your existing insurance is lower than you may think. Here’s what to do to find out if you need ebike insurance:

  1. Call your insurance company and find out what they cover. Things to bring up: coverage of accidental damage, theft, and travel (like what would happen if you flew somewhere with your bike and the airline did a number on it). Does the insurance company consider your ebike a “luxury item”? If you’re happy with the coverage, great! You’re good to go.
  2. Consider bike-specific coverage. If you aren’t covered, or feel like the coverage you do have isn’t enough, here are some things to think about.

Bike insurance covers all kinds of bike specific things, not just theft. Think damage to the bike from a collision, medical payments if you are injured in a collision, insurance for the bike if you are traveling with it or racing it, or a bike rental while your bike is being repaired. Some policies even cover things like accessories (like bike lights and panniers) and riding clothes.

Bike claims won’t affect your other insurance premium. Should you need to make a claim on your ebike, your home insurance premium won’t change or get canceled.

We can help

Want to learn more about ebike insurance? Join Tempo and get easy access to insurance quotes, and other ways to protect your ebike right inside the app.

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Textla Team
The Textla team offers expertise in SMS marketing, sales, and business growth. Receive tips to enhance customer engagement and boost ROI. Follow for practical and effective SMS marketing strategies for your business!
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