Outbound SMS: FAQs, Templates, and Use Cases for 2024

June 12, 2024
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Outbound SMS marketing remains the most powerful, consistent marketing channel in the world in 2024. As businesses strive to engage customers in more personalized and immediate ways, SMS’s prowess as a direct and impactful channel for communication makes it a must-have for businesses.

What is Outbound SMS?

Outbound SMS, or text message marketing, refers to the practice of sending promotional messages or alerts to a list of subscribers who have opted in to receive such messages.

Unlike email marketing, which often faces deliverability challenges and can be easily ignored, SMS boasts an impressive open rate of around 98%, making it an ideal channel for reaching customers effectively. Companies can also save a ton of money by deploying SMS marketing campaigns instead of spending money on paid ads and other higher-cost channels.

Why Outbound SMS Works

One of the key reasons behind the effectiveness of outbound SMS is its immediacy. Text messages are typically read within minutes of being received, ensuring that your message reaches customers at the right moment. This real-time communication can be leveraged for time-sensitive offers, event reminders, and personalized promotions.

Moreover, SMS is a highly personal channel. Customers are more likely to view text messages as personal communication rather than generic marketing, leading to higher engagement rates. By segmenting your audience and sending targeted messages, you can further enhance the relevance of your SMS campaigns.

Who Uses Outbound SMS?

Outbound SMS is used by a wide range of businesses and organizations across various industries to communicate with customers, clients, employees, and other stakeholders. Here are some examples of who uses outbound SMS:

1. Businesses: Businesses of all sizes use outbound SMS for marketing, customer service, and internal communication purposes. Retailers send SMS promotions and discounts to customers, while service-based businesses use it to send appointment reminders and updates.

2. Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofit organizations use outbound SMS to raise awareness about their causes, promote fundraising events, and engage with donors and volunteers.

3. Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities use outbound SMS to send notifications to students and parents, such as school closures, exam schedules, and event reminders.

4. Healthcare Providers: Healthcare providers use outbound SMS to send outbound texts about appointment reminders, medication alerts, and health tips to patients.

5. Financial Institutions: Banks and other financial institutions use outbound SMS to send account alerts, transaction notifications, and security alerts to customers.

6. Government Agencies: Government agencies use outbound SMS to send emergency alerts, weather advisories, and other important notifications to residents.

7. Event Organizers: Event organizers use outbound SMS to send event invitations, ticket confirmations, and updates to attendees.

8. Retailers: Retailers use outbound SMS for marketing campaigns, such as promotions, discounts, and new product launches, to drive sales and engage customers.

9. Travel and Hospitality Industry: Travel agencies, airlines, hotels, and other businesses in the travel and hospitality industry use outbound SMS to send booking confirmations, flight status updates, and travel tips to customers.

10. Human Resources Departments: Human resources departments use outbound SMS for internal communication purposes, such as sending notifications about company policies, benefits, and job openings to employees.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of organizations and industries that use outbound SMS to communicate effectively with their target audiences.

Best Practices for Outbound SMS Marketing

To make the most of outbound SMS marketing, consider the following best practices:

1. Obtain Consent: Ensure that customers opt in to receive SMS messages from your business. This not only complies with regulations but also ensures that your messages are welcomed by recipients.

2. Personalize Messages: Use customer data to personalize your messages. Address recipients by name and tailor your offers based on their preferences and past interactions with your brand.

3. Keep it Concise: SMS has a 160-character limit, so keep your messages concise and to the point. Clearly convey your offer or message without unnecessary details.

4. Timing is Key: Send messages at the right time to maximize engagement. Avoid sending messages late at night or early in the morning to respect recipients' preferences.

5. Provide Value: Offer recipients something of value, whether it's a discount, exclusive access, or useful information. This encourages engagement and helps build a positive association with your brand.

6. Track and Analyze: Use analytics to track the performance of your SMS campaigns. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to optimize your future campaigns.

What Are The Do’s and Don’ts of Outbound SMS?

Here are some do's and don'ts of outbound SMS marketing:


1. Obtain Consent: Always obtain explicit consent from recipients before sending them SMS messages. This helps ensure compliance with regulations and builds trust with your audience.

2. Personalize Messages: Use recipient data to personalize messages whenever possible. Address recipients by name and tailor your messages based on their preferences and past interactions with your brand.

3. Keep Messages Concise: SMS has a 160-character limit, so keep your messages clear, concise, and to the point. Get your message across efficiently without unnecessary details.

4. Provide Value: Offer recipients something of value in your messages, such as discounts, exclusive offers, or useful information. This helps engage recipients and encourages them to take action.

5. Send Messages at the Right Time: Consider the timing of your messages to maximize their effectiveness. Avoid sending messages late at night or early in the morning, and consider the time zone of your recipients.

6. Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA): Clearly state what you want recipients to do next in your message. Whether it's visiting your website, making a purchase, or contacting you, make it easy for recipients to take the desired action.

7. Track and Analyze Performance: Use analytics to track the performance of your SMS campaigns. Monitor metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to understand what's working and optimize your future campaigns.


1. Don't Spam: Avoid sending too many messages to recipients, as this can be seen as spammy and lead to opt-outs. Respect your audience's time and space by sending messages sparingly.

2. Don't Send Irrelevant Messages: Ensure that your messages are relevant to recipients and aligned with their interests. Sending irrelevant messages can lead to disengagement and opt-outs.

3. Don't Ignore Opt-Out Requests: Provide recipients with an easy way to opt out of receiving further messages, and honor opt-out requests promptly. Ignoring opt-out requests can damage your reputation and lead to regulatory issues.

4. Don't Use Misleading Tactics: Avoid using misleading tactics in your messages, such as false promises or deceptive language. Be honest and transparent in your communications with recipients. You’re reaching people by their mobile number, so you’ll need to ensure that you’re being honest in you’re outreach.

5. Don't Overlook Compliance: Ensure that your SMS campaigns comply with relevant regulations, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States. Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements and follow best practices to avoid regulatory issues.

By following these do's and don'ts, you can create effective and engaging outbound SMS campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive results.

The Future of Outbound SMS

As technology continues to advance, the future of outbound SMS looks promising. Features such as rich media messaging, which allows for the inclusion of images and videos in SMS, are already enhancing the capabilities of SMS marketing.

Additionally, advancements in AI and chatbots are enabling more interactive SMS experiences, where customers can engage with automated systems to make purchases or receive support, all through text messages. You can have bots or humans responding to leads now via text message.

In conclusion, outbound SMS marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage customers in a direct and personal way. By following best practices and leveraging emerging technologies such as short codes and integrations with tools like Microsoft and Google, businesses can unlock the full potential of outbound SMS to drive engagement, increase sales, and build lasting customer relationships.

Outbound SMS FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about outbound SMS:

1. What is outbound SMS?

Outbound SMS, or text message marketing, is the practice of sending promotional messages or alerts to a list of subscribers who have opted in to receive such messages. It is a direct and effective way to communicate with customers.

2. How does outbound SMS differ from other marketing channels?

Outbound SMS is different from other marketing channels, such as email or social media, in that it offers a more direct and immediate form of communication. SMS messages are typically read within minutes of being received, making it a highly effective channel for time-sensitive promotions.

3. Is outbound SMS effective for marketing purposes?

Yes, outbound SMS is highly effective for marketing purposes. It boasts an impressive open rate of around 98%, making it one of the most effective channels for reaching customers and enhancing conversion rates. Additionally, SMS messages are often viewed as more personal than other forms of marketing, leading to higher engagement rates.

4. How can businesses ensure compliance with regulations when sending outbound SMS?

Businesses can ensure compliance with regulations, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States, by obtaining explicit consent from customers before sending them SMS messages. It's also important to provide an option for customers to opt out of receiving further messages. Make sure your message content does not contain SLANT language.

5. What are some best practices for creating effective outbound SMS campaigns?

Some best practices for creating effective outbound SMS campaigns include personalizing messages, keeping them concise, sending them at the right time, providing value to recipients, and tracking and analyzing the performance of your campaigns.

6. What are some common mistakes to avoid when sending outbound SMS?

Some common mistakes to avoid when sending outbound SMS include sending messages too frequently, not obtaining proper consent from recipients, not personalizing messages, and not providing value to recipients.

7. What are some emerging trends in outbound SMS marketing?

Some emerging trends in outbound SMS marketing include the use of rich media messaging, which allows for the inclusion of images and videos in SMS, as well as the use of AI and chatbots to create more interactive SMS experiences.

8. How can businesses measure the success of their outbound SMS campaigns?

Businesses can measure the success of their outbound SMS campaigns by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This data can help businesses optimize their campaigns for better results.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about outbound SMS. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

What is the Difference Between Inbound SMS and Outbound SMS?

The difference between inbound and outbound SMS lies in the direction of the communication and the purpose of the messages:

1. Inbound SMS:

Direction: Inbound SMS refers to messages that are sent by individuals (customers, clients, etc.) to a business or organization.

Purpose: The purpose of inbound SMS is typically to request information, ask questions, provide feedback, or engage in a conversation with the business.

Example: A customer texts a business's dedicated SMS number to inquire about product availability.

2. Outbound SMS:

Direction: Outbound SMS refers to messages that are sent by a business or organization to individuals (customers, clients, etc.).

Purpose: The purpose of outbound SMS is typically to send marketing messages, notifications, alerts, reminders, or other types of information to recipients.

Example: A business sends a promotional SMS to its customers to announce a sale.

In summary, inbound SMS involves messages initiated by the recipient (incoming messages), while outbound SMS involves messages initiated by the sender (outgoing messages). Both types of SMS can be used by businesses and organizations to communicate with their audience effectively.

How to Choose the Best Outbound SMS Platform

When choosing an outbound SMS system, there are several factors to consider to ensure that the system meets your business needs and goals.

Here are some key considerations:

1. Features and Capabilities: Look for a system that offers the features and capabilities you need for your SMS campaigns, such as campaign management, contact management, scheduling, personalization, and analytics.

2. Ease of Use: The system should be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that allows you to create and manage SMS campaigns without requiring technical expertise.

3. Scalability: Choose a system that can scale with your business as it grows. This includes the ability to handle large volumes of SMS messages and accommodate increasing numbers of contacts.

4. Reliability and Delivery Rates: Ensure that the system has a reputation for reliability and high delivery rates. You want your messages to reach recipients promptly and consistently.

5. Compliance: Make sure that the system complies with relevant regulations, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States, which governs the sending of SMS messages for marketing purposes.

6. Integration: Consider whether the system can integrate with your existing tools and systems, such as CRM software, to streamline your SMS marketing efforts.

7. Cost: Evaluate the pricing structure of the system to ensure that it is affordable and offers good value for money. Consider any additional costs, such as fees for sending messages or accessing certain features.

8. Customer Support: Look for a system that offers reliable customer support, including access to help resources and responsive customer service representatives who can assist you with any issues or questions.

9. Reviews and Reputation: Research the system's reviews and reputation to gauge user satisfaction and get an idea of what to expect in terms of performance and customer service.

10. Trial Period or Demo: If possible, try out the system before committing to it. Many providers offer a free trial or demo period, which can help you determine if the system is the right fit for your needs.

By considering these factors, you can choose an outbound SMS system that aligns with your business objectives and helps you run successful SMS marketing campaigns.

Functionality for Outbound SMS Systems

The functionality required for an outbound SMS system can vary based on the specific needs of a small business versus a contact center. Here are some key functionalities that each might prioritize:

Functionality for a Small Business:

1. Ease of Use: The system should be user-friendly and easy to navigate, as small businesses may not have dedicated IT staff to manage complex systems. They also will likely need a dedicated phone number.

2. Affordability: Cost-effective pricing plans that suit the budget of a small business.

3. Scalability: The ability to scale the system as the business grows, accommodating a growing number of contacts and messages.

4. Basic Features: Essential features such as contact management, message scheduling, and basic reporting.

5. Integration: Integration with other business tools and software, such as CRM systems, to streamline operations.

6. Compliance: Built-in compliance features to ensure adherence to regulations such as the TCPA.

Functionality for a Contact Center:

1. High Volume Handling: Ability to handle large volumes of messages efficiently to cater to the needs of a contact center.

2. Automation: Automation features such as auto-responders, message templates, and message sequencing to streamline operations.

3. Advanced Reporting: Detailed reporting and analytics to track campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

4. Advanced Features: Advanced features such as A/B testing, rich media messaging, and advanced personalization options. Also look for tools that allow omnichannel posting with email, LinkedIn, and other channels.

5. Integration with Contact Center Software: Integration with existing contact center software to provide a seamless customer experience across channels.

6. Compliance and Security: Robust compliance and security features to ensure that customer data is protected and regulatory requirements are met.

In summary, while both small businesses and contact centers can benefit from outbound SMS systems, the specific functionalities they require may differ based on their scale of operations, budget, and specific business needs.

The Best Outbound SMS Platforms

When you’re looking to reach customers via outbound SMS to their mobile device, it’s important to find an outbound SMS platform that works well for your team. Here’s a list of the very best outbound SMS platforms on the market:

1. Textla: Textla is a comprehensive SMS marketing platform that offers a range of features, including campaign management, contact management, and analytics. It is known for its user-friendly interface and competitive pricing, making it a top choice for businesses looking to run effective SMS campaigns. Textla also provides analytics dashboards and toll-free phone numbers so you can send outbound SMS messages and inbound messages with ease.

2. Twilio: Twilio is a cloud communications platform that offers a range of APIs for building SMS and voice applications. It is highly customizable and scalable, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.

3. Bird: Bird is another cloud communications platform that offers SMS, voice, and chat solutions. It is known for its global reach and reliable delivery rates, making it a popular choice for businesses looking to reach customers worldwide.

4. Plivo: Plivo is a cloud communications platform that offers SMS and voice solutions. It is known for its easy-to-use API and competitive pricing, making it a popular choice for businesses looking to get started with outbound SMS marketing.

5. ClickSend: ClickSend is a cloud-based platform that offers a range of communication solutions, including SMS, email, and voice. It is known for its user-friendly interface and competitive pricing, making it a popular choice for businesses looking to streamline their communication efforts.

These platforms offer a range of features and capabilities to help businesses create and manage effective SMS campaigns. It's important to choose a platform that aligns with your business needs and goals.

Outbound SMS Message Templates

Here are some outbound SMS templates that can be used for different purposes:

1. Promotional Offer:

"Exclusive offer just for you! Get 20% off your next purchase with code SAVE20. Hurry, offer ends soon! Visit our website or store today."

2. Event Reminder:

"Don't forget, our event is tomorrow! Join us at [location] at [time] for an evening of fun and entertainment. We can't wait to see you there!"

3. New Product Announcement:

"Exciting news! We've just launched a new product that we know you'll love. Check it out on our website and be one of the first to try it!"

4. Feedback Request:

"We value your opinion! Please take a moment to complete a short survey about your recent experience with us. Your feedback helps us improve."

5. Appointment Reminder:

"This is a reminder of your appointment with [business name] tomorrow at [time]. Please reply 'YES' to confirm or 'NO' to reschedule."

6. Abandoned Cart Reminder:

"Did you forget something? There are items in your cart waiting to be purchased. Click the link to complete your order before they're gone!"

7. Holiday Greeting:

"Happy Holidays from all of us at [business name]! May your day be filled with joy and laughter. We appreciate your support this year."

8. Flash Sale Alert:

"Flash Sale! Today only, get 30% off all items. Use code FLASH30 at checkout. Don't miss out on these incredible savings!"

9. Re-Engagement Campaign:

"We miss you! It's been a while since you've visited us. Here's a special offer to welcome you back: [offer details]. We hope to see you soon!"

10. VIP Customer Offer:

"As one of our VIP customers, we want to thank you for your loyalty. Enjoy an exclusive discount of 25% off your next purchase. Use code VIP25 at checkout."

These templates can be customized to suit your specific needs and target audience. Always ensure that your messages comply with relevant regulations and that recipients have opted in to receive SMS communications from your business.

Send Outbound SMS Messages with Textla

Ready to revolutionize your communication strategy? Join thousands of businesses already experiencing the power of seamless SMS marketing with Textla. Sign up today and see how easy it is to send bulk texts, two-way text, boost customer engagement, create omnichannel communication, and drive results. Don't wait—elevate your messaging game with Textla now!

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When our family bought an electric cargo bike earlier this year, one of my biggest fears was that this lovely and expensive new machine was going to get stolen. So I got the best lock money could buy, and I started to investigate: did I need ebike insurance?

First, I called my homeowners insurance provider to see if they would cover the bike if it were stolen. To my surprise, because it’s an electric bike, not only did my policy not cover it, they wouldn’t even add it for an additional fee or sell me a separate policy for it, the way they did for our family car.

Instead they referred me to an insurance company that specializes in bikes and ebikes. I bought a policy from them and sleep a little better for it.

I’ve heard similar stories from other ebike owners. And I’ve heard worse.

What can happen without ebike insurance

The saddest stories are the ones where someone assumed their homeowners or renters or car insurance covered their ebike, and after it was stolen or seriously damaged, it turned out it wasn’t covered.

"And then there are the stories about people whose ebikes were covered by their homeowners policy, but their premium went way up when they made a claim for a stolen ebike."
<span class="blog-quote-name">-Kyle Miller, CEO Brass Hands</span>

Why it’s hard to insure an ebike

When it comes to insurance, ebikes land in a gray area outside standard homeowners insurance and auto insurance. Here’s why:

  • Ebikes are new in terms of the insurance industry. Most of the several million ebikes in the U.S. were purchased in the last two years. Insurers aren’t familiar with them, and insurers don’t like to be surprised by unfamiliar products.
  • Ebikes are more expensive than regular bikes. Policies that cover bikes, like most homeowners or renters policies, might have also covered ebikes until the insurer had to pay much larger claims than they expected to replace a damaged or stolen ebike. See above about insurers and surprise. So some policy terms got changed.
  • Finally, ebikes get stolen a lot, and not only from people’s homes. They are ridden and locked up outside all over the place, which makes them more vulnerable than other valuable household items.

Steps to take to properly insure your ebike

The odds that your ebike is covered by your existing insurance is lower than you may think. Here’s what to do to find out if you need ebike insurance:

  1. Call your insurance company and find out what they cover. Things to bring up: coverage of accidental damage, theft, and travel (like what would happen if you flew somewhere with your bike and the airline did a number on it). Does the insurance company consider your ebike a “luxury item”? If you’re happy with the coverage, great! You’re good to go.
  2. Consider bike-specific coverage. If you aren’t covered, or feel like the coverage you do have isn’t enough, here are some things to think about.

Bike insurance covers all kinds of bike specific things, not just theft. Think damage to the bike from a collision, medical payments if you are injured in a collision, insurance for the bike if you are traveling with it or racing it, or a bike rental while your bike is being repaired. Some policies even cover things like accessories (like bike lights and panniers) and riding clothes.

Bike claims won’t affect your other insurance premium. Should you need to make a claim on your ebike, your home insurance premium won’t change or get canceled.

We can help

Want to learn more about ebike insurance? Join Tempo and get easy access to insurance quotes, and other ways to protect your ebike right inside the app.

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This is some text inside of a div block.
Textla Team
The Textla team offers expertise in SMS marketing, sales, and business growth. Receive tips to enhance customer engagement and boost ROI. Follow for practical and effective SMS marketing strategies for your business!
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